Tag Archives: higher education
UM-Flint English Language Program Receives Accreditation
The English Language Program at the University of Michigan-Flint was awarded accreditation by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) from April 2014 through April 2018.
Michigan Campus Compact Recognizes UM-Flint Students with Service Award
Four University of Michigan-Flint students have been honored by Michigan Campus Compact for their dedication to community service. Kawshik Ahmed, Priscilla Lawson, Kristin McBride, and Martin Rivera-Salas received the Heart and Soul Award on April 12, 2014.
Susan E. Borrego Appointed University of Michigan-Flint Chancellor
The University of Michigan Board of Regents today approved Susan E. Borrego as the next chancellor of UM-Flint. Borrego will begin her five-year appointment August 1, 2014.
UM-Flint Home to State of Michigan's First Ph.D. Program in Physical Therapy
The dual DPT/Ph.D. is designed for individuals who aspire to careers in academic teaching, research, and advanced clinical practice in physical therapy.
Regents Approve New Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance for UM-Flint
Tewksbury, who currently serves as treasurer of the U-M, was selected by a search committee of faculty and staff to fill the vacant position created by the retirement of David Barthelmes earlier this year.
Search for New UM-Flint Chancellor Underway
Chancellor Ruth Person will step down in summer 2014 after serving six years as chancellor of the Flint campus.
Former Swartz Creek Superintendent Selected to Head UM-Flint's K-12 Initiatives
One successful UM-Flint K-12 initiative Pratt will continue to help strengthen is DEEP (Dual Enrollment Educational Partnership), in which high school students jump start their higher education careers through instruction by university faculty and earning free college credits.
UM-Flint Named a "Best in the Midwest" for the 12th year
When surveyed on campus life, a student said "School life is what you want to make for yourself" and quickly pointed out that "the university has many club and organizations."
UM-Flint 2012-13 and 2013-14 Collegiate Lecturers Selected
Candidates must be nominated based on exceptional teaching and/or exceptional service or other contributions to the university.
UM-Flint Now Has Representation on ITGA Board of Directors
As president of the Michigan Municipal League, Lossing has focused on Town Gown relations between the state's post-secondary institutions and their communities.