Tag Archives: umflint

Summer Vocal Music Academy returns to UM-Flint

Attendees of the Summer Vocal Music Academy work with UM-Flint students, faculty, and alumni to advance their musical abilities.

The University of Michigan-Flint Summer Vocal Academy of Music returned to the downtown campus beginning July 11, continuing to offer instruction in music with an emphasis on choral and solo singing.  Students in grades seven through 12 work with experienced music instructors in an effort to grow musically and artistically. Students are immersed in music[…]

Young Sharks: Entrepreneurship lessons empower kids to create and innovate

The Junior Sharks (sixth to eighth grade) and Young Sharks (third to fifth grade) programs align economic and innovation lessons with state education benchmarks.

The University of Michigan-Flint's Office of Economic Development (OED) recently completed the 2022 Young Sharks Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation program for area third through fifth graders. The program combines professional development workshops for elementary and middle school teachers, a series of innovation and entrepreneurship lessons for students with an applied learning assignment and a business[…]

From stargazing to supporting positive change on Earth: Dr. Jessica Tischler

Jessica Tischler is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UM-Flint

In second grade, Jessica Tischler was given a set of cardboard planets by her teacher. She put them on her bedroom ceiling and added new celestial bodies as the Voyager mission expanded our knowledge about the moons in our solar system. She began to stargaze in her backyard and began following the NASA shuttle launches,[…]

Alumni Spotlight: Nicole-Kristine Smith

Nicole-Kristine Smith, a 2022 Biology graduate, is headed to the Yale School of Public Health to pursue a Master of Public Health in Environmental Health Sciences. At UM-Flint, Nicole discovered a passion for public health and climate change—making this next step an opportunity to change the world.  Nicole's experience with UM-Flint began when she was[…]

"Borders and Crossings" courses give students off-campus, immersive opportunities

Associate Professor of Urban Sociology Jacob Lederman leads students through Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit on a walking tour of the city.

First Year Experience (FYE) courses are part of the curriculum for students entering UM-Flint with less than 25 credits. They are designed to help students become acquainted with the university and learn the skills and expectations needed to successfully engage in college-level work. This year, a series of special First Year Experience courses, funded by[…]

How Stacey Guigear brings her UM-Flint experience to the classroom

Stacey Guigear at Kikaku-Ji, a Zen Buddhist Temple in Kyoto on the Wyatt Travel Expedition.

Stacey Guigear, a 2014 University of Michigan-Flint history graduate and social studies teacher at Swartz Creek Middle School, is getting ready to teach her seventh graders about Buddhism. Her students are in for quite the immersive experience.  In her time at UM-Flint, Guigear participated in the Wyatt Travel Expedition. The Wyatt Travel Expedition allows for[…]

UM-Flint student interns present social impact projects at first annual DEI/UIREEJ Spring Symposium

UIREEJ student intern Amena Shukairy presents her social impact project on April 12.

On April 12, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and the Urban Institute for Racial, Economic, and Environmental Justice (UIREEJ) hosted the first annual DEI/UIREEJ Spring Symposium. At the event, community members were immersed in social impact project presentations by UIREEJ student interns, who spent months researching and preparing their topics.  "UIREEJ offers[…]