Tag Archives: learning
UM-Flint moms and children learning together
One small group of students within the University of Michigan-Flint's College of Arts & Sciences share a special characteristic in common: they are attending college along with their adult children. Some have taken the same courses together, scheduled study sessions together, and some even share a major. But more importantly, they've supported and encouraged one[…]
UM-Flint's Promise Scholars Program helping students lay groundwork for their futures
While classes have just begun at the University of Michigan-Flint, a group of about 30 students have already begun laying the groundwork for their futures. It's all part of the seven-week Promise Scholars Program, which has been around since the late 1960s. While its name has changed a handful of times, the goal has remained[…]
UM-Flint Murchie Science Building Renovations Feature State-of-the-Art Labs and Equipment
The almost 27-year-old building will feature new labs and other facilities that will both enhance the learning experience of students and increase faculty resources
UM-Flint's Civic Engagement Curriculum Sees Surge in Offerings and Participation
The number of UM-Flint courses designed to connect academic expertise to community concerns keeps growing. The number of civic engagement classes at the University of Michigan-Flint has reached a record high this semester.
UM-Flint Faculty and Alumni to Explore Innovation in Education
An international group of educators, led by UM-Flint faculty and alumni, will come together in Michigan to re-imagine teaching and learning at the Institute for Innovation in Education (IIE) "Gathering" June 18-21 on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.
Writing From South Africa Day 4: The Final Day of an Unforgettable Experience
UM-Flint School of Education and Human Services Interim Dean Bob Barnett, Ph.D., as well as other UM-Flint leaders and students, were in South Africa last week for a conference on education technology. In this post, Interim Dean Barnett reflects on their final day in South Africa.
Writing From South Africa Day 3: Educational Technology Student Danna Fuller
UM-Flint School of Education and Human Services Interim Dean Bob Barnett, Ph.D., as well as other UM-Flint leaders and students, are in South Africa for a conference on education technology. They have been writing about the topics discussed at the conference and their experiences in South Africa. This post is by Educational Technology (MA) student Danna Fuller.
Writing from South Africa Day 2: Chris Waters, Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies
UM-Flint School of Education and Human Services Interim Dean Bob Barnett, Ph.D., as well as other UM-Flint leaders and students, are in South Africa for a conference on education technology. Over the next several days, they will be writing about the topics discussed at the conference and their experiences in South Africa. This post is by Chris Waters, Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
School of Education and Human Services Interim Dean Bob Barnett Writes from South Africa: Day 1
UM-Flint School of Education and Human Services Interim Dean Bob Barnett, Ph.D. is in South Africa for a conference on education technology. Over the next several days, he will be writing about the topics discussed at the conference, as well as sharing his thoughts about (and photos of) his experiences in South Africa.
Former Swartz Creek Superintendent Selected to Head UM-Flint's K-12 Initiatives
One successful UM-Flint K-12 initiative Pratt will continue to help strengthen is DEEP (Dual Enrollment Educational Partnership), in which high school students jump start their higher education careers through instruction by university faculty and earning free college credits.