Tag Archives: college of innovation & technology

What is Industry 4.0? | UM-Flint NOW

What is Industry 4.0 and What Does It Mean to You?  Have you heard of Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Essentially, Industry 4.0 refers to the new digital era in which technologies transform the way we design, manufacture, and deliver products. Industry 4.0 leverages machine learning, IoT, and more to drive manufacturing smarter,[…]

Research and engineering converge at UM-Flint to help Parkinson's diagnoses

Track My PD is a mobile application designed to track Parkinson's Symptoms.

University of Michigan-Flint professors Nathan Miller, Linda Zhu, and Charlotte Tang utilized their research in cognitive neuroscience, bioengineering, and computer engineering to develop a mobile application that can help Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients and doctors measure the severity of tremors and other symptoms remotely. The app guides patients through measurements of tremors in a variety[…]

College of Innovation & Technology's inaugural class ends first year with a celebration

The College of Innovation and Technology (CIT) recently celebrated the end of its first official year. Students, staff, faculty, and industry partners connected over conversation and delicious food, revisiting all of the great things the CIT community has accomplished, and recognizing the innovation that our inaugural class brought with them into UM-Flint. As part of[…]

One Giant Leap for UM-Flint: Students compete in NASA's Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC)

The UM-Flint NASA HERC team members include (Left to Right): Logan Minuado, Jeffrey Reid, Cameron Hall, Bethany Priest, Evan Rudziensky, Erin Stiers, Paul Beiswenger, Robert Jackson, Samantha Hunsinger, Austin Graham, Jacob Moore, and Genevieve Heydt .

You've probably heard the phrase "teamwork makes the dream work." But what happens when three cross-dimensional teams from UM-Flint Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics work together? That dream gets even bigger. Starting in the Fall 2021 semester, students formed the UM-Flint NASA HERC Team to compete in NASA's Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC). The HERC[…]