Tag Archives: Wildlife Biology

UM-Flint's Tonietto part of $1.7M study on the impact of native plant lawns

Research assistant Emily Woodworth (left) and principal investigator Becky Barak (right) evaluate plant establishment in the experimental plantings at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Photo by Liz Anna Kozik.

The U.S. National Science Foundation and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation have announced a $1.76 million grant to Rebecca Tonietto, associate professor of biology at the University of Michigan-Flint, and her collaborators, to study the effects of converting turfgrass lawns into native plant species. The project, titled "Conservation potential of converting urban turf lawns[…]

UM-Flint moms and children learning together

A variety of mothers and their children are learning together at UM-Flint. Sometimes in the same classrooms!

One small group of students within the University of Michigan-Flint's College of Arts & Sciences share a special characteristic in common: they are attending college along with their adult children. Some have taken the same courses together, scheduled study sessions together, and some even share a major. But more importantly, they've supported and encouraged one[…]

UM-Flint wildlife biology student earns recognition as Student Veteran of the Year

Christopher Mayes, a junior wildlife biology major from Grand Blanc and U.S. Marine Corps veteran, has been recognized as UM-Flint’s Student Veteran of the Year thanks to his involvement in the Peer Advisors for Veteran Education initiative.

One University of Michigan-Flint student is going above and beyond by helping fellow student veterans on campus.  As a result, Christopher Mayes, a junior wildlife biology major from Grand Blanc and U.S. Marine Corps veteran, has been recognized as UM-Flint's Student Veteran of the Year thanks to his involvement in the Peer Advisors for Veteran[…]

UM-Flint Biology teams up with For-Mar for School Day Bioblitz

The UM-Flint Biology program is teaming up with For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum to host a bioblitz for K-12 students. (Photo Credit: ForMar Nature Center and Arboretum)

This fall, a "blitz" won't just happen on the football field as For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum will host its annual School Day Bioblitz Sept. 29. The event, now in its sixth year, originally began as a partnership between the Genesee County Parks and Recreation Commission and the University of Michigan-Flint in 2014. The event[…]

UM-Flint Common Read connects community with nature

J. Drew Lanham at the Birds of a Feather Art Exhibition. Photo by Erika Cristina Xavier de Melo.

Every year, the University of Michigan-Flint Common Read invites the campus community to read a common book early in the year. This shared experience allows for conversations and connections to form based on the collective reading experience, and integrates the campus into national and global culture and discussions. The 2021-22 Common Read selection was Dr.[…]