Tag Archives: giving blueday
An "Evening with Erin"
As recently announced, the University of Michigan-Flint has big plans for this year's Giving Blueday event to be held on March 10. The campus has established a very ambitious $1M goal and is now unveiling plans for thanking those who support the campus' fundraising efforts and make a gift to UM-Flint on Giving Blueday. To[…]
Celebrating the Elements of Success on Giving Blueday
With this year's Giving Blueday activities, there are nearly 60 unique funds available for donors to select when making gifts. Each of these areas reflects the work happening in the respective area but also the breadth of opportunity that exists at UM-Flint.
Giving Blueday a Success for UM-Flint
Giving Blueday was the first university-wide day of giving at the UM-Flint. In the 24 hour period, the generosity of UM-Flint supporters created the largest one-day online fundraising effort in the university's history, over $15,000!
Season Brings Opportunities for UM-Flint Campus to Help Those in Need
UM-Flint has a tradition of helping those in need within our community and on our campus. As the weather turns cold again this year, there are many opportunities to help. Collections are underway for clothes, food, and monetary donations.