Currently showing results 1141–1160 of 1335 for university-news
Three Tillman Military Scholars are selected at UM-Flint
UM-Flint is one of 14 campuses serving as a Tillman Military Scholar University Partner for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Coming to UM-Flint Theatre and Dance: "A Season of Styles"
"When considering our season, an emphasis is put on the educational value our selection of plays will provide directly to our students, and indirectly to our audience," noted Assistant Professor Steve Landon.
Congratulations to UM-Flint's 2012 Maize and Blue Award Recipients
The Maize and Blue Distinguished Scholar Award is the highest academic award bestowed upon the graduates of the University of Michigan-Flint.
UM-Flint's "Take Back the Night" Event Addresses Sexual Violence
The April 4th program will include presentations by survivors, information about sexual violence, as well as a march down Saginaw Street.