Currently showing results 221–235 of 235 for college-of-innovation-technology
Fun for the Family at UM-Flint Math Night
The emphasis is not on numerical computation, but rather on such things as estimation, patterns, spatial and geometrical perception, and hands-on activities.
Remembering Professor Emeritus Harry Blecker: Founder of UM-Flint Chemistry Department
Professor Blecker came to UM-Flint in 1957 as assistant professor, was the founder of the Department of Chemistry.
UM-Flint and MSU announce Early Assurance Program for Premed Students
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and the University of Michigan-Flint entered into an agreement that provides a link between premedical students at the UM-Flint and MSU's medical school.
The Early Assurance Program provides an enhanced opportunity for admission to medical school to qualified premedical students who wish to practice in the underserved areas
UM-Flint / UM-AA Guaranteed Engineering Transfer Program
Two colleges of the University of Michigan, one on the Flint campus, the other in Ann Arbor, have formed a partnership to foster success among promising students by increasing the number of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) degrees granted by both institutions to non-traditional students.