Tag Archives: hands-on
Student Research Spotlight: Matthew Thelen
Matthew Thelen likes to get right to the core of a problem. And as a molecular biology major, that shouldn't come as a surprise. Why deal with things on the surface when the truth lies beneath? It's that curiosity to reveal the origin of an issue that has led the junior from Metamora to pursue[…]
UM-Flint Murchie Science Building Renovations Feature State-of-the-Art Labs and Equipment
The almost 27-year-old building will feature new labs and other facilities that will both enhance the learning experience of students and increase faculty resources
UM-Flint's Civic Engagement Curriculum Sees Surge in Offerings and Participation
The number of UM-Flint courses designed to connect academic expertise to community concerns keeps growing. The number of civic engagement classes at the University of Michigan-Flint has reached a record high this semester.
Community Invited to UM-Flint's "Our Engaged Campus" Showcase
UM-Flint is sharing community engagement success stories that illustrate best practices in engaged learning and campus-community partnerships.