Tag Archives: featured

UM-Flint associate professors named 2023 Global Health Commercialization Competition winners

A pair of associate professors from the University of Michigan-Flint, Lyn Behnke (left) and Marilyn Filter (right), have designed a new, patient-friendly device for use in cervical cancer screenings.

Editor's note: This article is reprinted partly courtesy of the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. More than 70% of women worldwide have not been screened for cervical cancer, and part of the reason is access to, and comfort with, the current medical tools required for those screenings. Currently, the exam for[…]

UM-Flint student studying trauma-informed programming on campus

Maeko McGovern is conducting research that could have an impact on how students receive support services on campus.

A University of Michigan-Flint student is conducting research that could have an impact on how students receive support services on campus.  Maeko McGovern, a senior public health major and political science minor from Flint, has been working on a study titled "Trauma-Informed Programming to Support and Retain Academically and Economically Disadvantaged Students" along with John Girdwood,[…]

UM-Flint's College of Innovation & Technology Offering Creative Summer Camp Options

Students participate in building a wind turbine at the Innovation & Technology Scholars Camp

Building on the success of its inaugural summer camp offering from one year ago, the University of Michigan-Flint's College of Innovation & Technology will host unique and expanded learning opportunities for middle and high school students next month. Last year's single camp, which featured projects in physics, sustainability, engineering, and others, brought students from more[…]

UM-Flint first-year student to participate in overseas research study

The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, located in the center of Banda Aceh city, Aceh Province, Indonesia, is a symbol of religion, culture, spirit, strength, struggle and nationalism of the Acehnese people. (Photo/Dan Birchok)

One University of Michigan-Flint student will spend his summer overseas after being selected to be part of the "Trusted Faces, Familiar Places" study.  Keaton Reese, a first-year student working towards dual degrees in anthropology and computer science from Grand Blanc, along with other researchers from all three University of Michigan campuses as well as the[…]

UM-Flint graduates its first group of Accelerated Online Degree Completion students

Roy Barnes, AODC program director, joined inaugural program graduates Michael Bernal, D'Mya Mason and Alizia Hamilton at commencement.

While the Spring 2023 Commencement at the University of Michigan-Flint marked the end of the typical college student experience, it also highlighted a major milestone for three nontraditional students: overcoming obstacles and obtaining their bachelor's degrees. All three students were enrolled in the Accelerated Online Degree Completion program, which was launched last fall with the[…]

UM-Flint moms and children learning together

A variety of mothers and their children are learning together at UM-Flint. Sometimes in the same classrooms!

One small group of students within the University of Michigan-Flint's College of Arts & Sciences share a special characteristic in common: they are attending college along with their adult children. Some have taken the same courses together, scheduled study sessions together, and some even share a major. But more importantly, they've supported and encouraged one[…]

UM-Flint Writing Center events include retreat, D&D summer camp

UM-Flint Marian E. Wright Writing Center staff members prepare for upcoming Dungeons & Dragons summer camp.

Normally, the University of Michigan-Flint's Marian E. Wright Writing Center acts as a haven for students, faculty and staff when it comes to formatting, writing and revising a paper or speech. But recently, the center's staff found themselves encouraging writers – both on campus and off – to pick up their pens or power up[…]

UM-Flint to host Young Sharks pitch competition, May 23

At UM-Flint’s Young Sharks/Junior Sharks pitch competition, elementary and middle school students present their entrepreneurial ideas developed as part of an integrated classroom curriculum (Photo by Eric Bronson/Michigan Photography).

The University of Michigan-Flint is helping elementary and middle school students turn from entrepreneurial small fry into big fish – with real prize money on the line. More than 450 students in grades three through eight will visit UM-Flint's Riverfront Conference Center, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., May 23, for the Young Sharks/Junior Sharks pitch competition. Students[…]

New writing project empowers K-12 students to discover Flint's unheard history

Members of the Flint Women’s Emergency Brigade, who played a pivotal role in the 1936 General Motors sit-down strike.

Picture a typical history lesson in middle or high school. What comes to mind? A lecture filled with dates to memorize, names of people long past – most often men – and events far removed from one's lived experience is standard fare. Not the most impactful formula for making a transformative impact on young minds,[…]

Earn and Learn Program matches UM-Flint students with paid health care jobs

A new program will connect UM-Flint students with paid jobs in health care thanks to a partnership with the Greater Flint Health Coalition.

University of Michigan-Flint students interested in working in health care have a new opportunity to earn money and gain experience while they are still in school thanks to a new partnership with the Greater Flint Health Coalition. The Earn and Learn Program connects UM-Flint students with local hospitals, home health care agencies and other employers[…]