Tag Archives: development
UM-Flint's Wyatt Exploration Program Looks at "The Making and Unmaking of AutoWorld"
As part of the 2013-14 Wyatt Lecture Series, former Flint resident and Appalachian State University assistant professor of history Andrea Burns, Ph.D. will present "A Unique Place in All the World: The Making and Unmaking of AutoWorld."
UM-Flint Receives Sculpture In Memory of Joanne Sullenger
The sculpture was presented by her daughter Avery Sullenger-Wedder during a special reveal to friends, co-workers, and administrators held on August 1, on the third floor of the library.
Longtime Flint Cultural Center Administrator to Head UM-Flint's Development and Alumni Relations
Since 2004, Moxam, who is a UM-Flint alumna, has served as the director of development for the Flint Cultural Center Corporation.
UM-Flint to Host First HighEdWeb Regional Conference in Michigan
Session topics will include social media, content strategy, project management, responsive Web design, content management systems, and more.