Tag Archives: featured
UM-Flint Students Say Hail Yeah! to Alumni Support
Hail Yeah!, a university-wide day of thanks where students from all three U-M campuses join together to thank alumni for their support.
UM-Flint Early Childhood Program Offers Families Nutrition Resources
Cummings Great Expectations early childhood program staff and community vendors welcomed Flint families and provided information about nutrition and healthy food choices.
UM-Flint Music Alumna Takes Center Stage
UM-Flint alumna Jenn McMillan credits her years studying music performance at the university for preparing her for her professional career as a singer, songwriter, and musician.
Shakespeare Inspires UM-Flint Students to Connect with Flint, World
Associate Professor of English, Mary Jo Kietzman, PhD, asks UM-Flint students to connect more deeply with their world by reading Shakespeare.
UM-Flint Education Students Prepare to Teach Math Strategies
UM-Flint's education program requires a deep understanding, both intellectually and verbally, of multiple math concepts and strategies.
The University of Michigan-Flint Holds its 50th Math Field Day
UM-Flint celebrates its 50th annual Math Field Day March 3. Dr. Lawrence Kugler, who started the event, discusses its history and importance.
UM-Flint Staff Spotlight: Brad Maki
Each year, the UM-Flint Staff Council's Staff Recognition Award is given to deserving candidates who have been nominated by a supervisor or colleague from around the university. Meet Brad Maki, a 2016 award nominee.
UM-Flint DPS Offers Training to Enhance Inclusive Community
Open to faculty, staff and students, the DPS de-escalation training series is set for March 23 & 30 and April 6 & 13.
High School Teachers Utilize UM-Flint Resources to Bring Science to Life
UM-Flint alumni and Byron Area Schools teachers Mandi Davis and Theresa Krejci explored the university's new science resources with students.
UM-Flint Social Work's "Privilege Walk" Provides Practical Learning
At UM-Flint, social work students use self-reflection activities as purposeful professional development tools.