Tag Archives: featured
UM-Flint alum selected as Fulbright assistant, heading to Nepal in 2024
Even after graduating, one University of Michigan-Flint alum is doing her homework, but not in the typical sense. Jina Bhagat, a 2022 UM-Flint graduate with a bachelor's degree in English and a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages certificate, is heading to Nepal in 2024 after being selected as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant.[…]
UM-Flint professor awarded patent for revolutionary climate control technology
Mihai Burzo, an associate professor of engineering in the University of Michigan-Flint's College of Innovation & Technology began pursuing a more energy-efficient – and smarter – climate control system during his previous tenure at the University of North Texas, where he had the privilege of accessing UNT's Net Zero Energy Building for his research..
UM-Flint biology students track Flint River restoration efforts
If you ever walk by the portion of the Flint River that runs through the University of Michigan-Flint's downtown campus, you may run into an interesting sight – a large group of UM-Flint biology students in waders, searching for fish. And chances are, Arianna Elkins will be among them. Elkins, a joint BS/MS Wildlife Biology[…]
UM-Flint budget increases institutional aid for students
The budget for the 2024 fiscal year at the University of Michigan-Flint increases the amount of institutional financial aid available to students while allowing for continued curricular and support innovation as the university undergoes its Strategic Transformation. The $113.75 million general fund budget was approved June 15 by the University of Michigan Board of Regents[…]
UM-Flint's Mpowering My Success helps foster care students earn college degrees
This spring, the University of Michigan-Flint was proud to have helped two individuals who had been in foster care make that rare transition to college graduate.
UM-Flint associate professor awarded NIH grant to research parental violence against children
Whether its taking away privileges, grounding or spanking, there are probably as many opinions about how to discipline children as there are parents and kids across the country. But regardless of the means of punishment, the question remains: what are the consequences of this discipline for children as they grow up? One person working diligently[…]
UM-Flint partners with local school districts to provide direct admission program
The University of Michigan-Flint today announced the launch of a direct admission program for graduating area high school seniors. The program, dubbed the UM-Flint Direct Admission Pathway, allows qualified students from the six participating school districts – Beecher, Bendle, Carman-Ainsworth, Flint, Grand Blanc, and Westwood Heights – to be admitted to UM-Flint without first applying.[…]
UM-Flint announces launch of Institute for Data Engineering, Analytics, and Science
The University of Michigan-Flint has announced the establishment of the Institute for Data Engineering, Analytics and Science, also known as IDEAS. Housed in the university's Murchie Science Building, IDEAS will coordinate the teaching, research and use of data-related concepts, pairing UM-Flint faculty expertise and student energy with community partners and industry needs. "We realized that[…]
UM-Flint CIT students build 'Techtopia' to teach kids urban safety
Melissa Sreckovic, associate professor of education at the University of Michigan-Flint's School of Education and Human Services, reached out to the College of Innovation & Technology with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of area youth. Sreckovic connected with faculty and students from CIT's Innovators & Makers Club to help build what[…]
UM-Flint associate professors named 2023 Global Health Commercialization Competition winners
Editor's note: This article is reprinted partly courtesy of the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. More than 70% of women worldwide have not been screened for cervical cancer, and part of the reason is access to, and comfort with, the current medical tools required for those screenings. Currently, the exam for[…]