Tag Archives: featured
UM-Flint GIS Center Mapping Flint Water System's Lead Service Lines
A team of UM-Flint faculty and staff are working on a project that "will help provide the road map for removing all the lead in the water distribution system" within the city of Flint, said the initiative's supervisor, Martin Kaufman, PhD.
UM-Flint and the Flint Farmers' Market to "Light Up the Night" for Area Youth
The University of Michigan-Flint's Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) will once again illuminate the Flint Farmers' Market's community room from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on January 28 with its popular Light Up the Night event.
UM-Flint Begins Free Community Course on the Flint Water Crisis
The first of the University of Michigan-Flint's classes on the Flint water crisis drew 150 people and delivered historic analysis, sometimes intense emotions, and open access to education.
University of Michigan Campuses Pull Together to Address Flint Water Crisis
Faculty, staff, and students from all three University of Michigan campuses are coming together over the water crisis in Flint to offer everything from research expertise and accurate information on the situation to water filters and bottled water.
Black Male Summit Highlights Importance of UM-Flint Education Programs and Partnerships
The Institute of RHYMES sponsored its inaugural Black Male Summit last weekend at the Flint Institute of Arts with support from UM-Flint's School of Education & Human Services and other community partners.
UM-Flint Launches Campus Water Information Website
UM-Flint has launched a campus water information website dedicated to keeping the university community informed about the safety of water on campus.
UM-Flint Partnership Gives Children Fun, Educational Place to Spend MLK Day
About 100 children came to UM-Flint on Monday when the campus community stepped up to be a fun and educational safe haven for children on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day when schools and many social service agencies close in recognition of the holiday, but many parents still work.
Tutu Inspires UM-Flint Students to Continue Struggle for Justice
Nontombi Naomi Tutu, speaking at the Kiva Monday evening, said that the fight against injustice didn't end with King, and pointed to the water crisis in Flint as a learning example for the rest of the country.
MLK Day Speaker Dr. James Chaffers Reminds UM-Flint Students "Why Dreams Matter"
Dr. James Chaffers, Senior Design Juror for the MLK National Memorial, celebrated the importance of dreams and finding one's calling.
Service Saturdays Teach Students about Flint and the Value of Volunteering
Service Saturdays, a UM-Flint University Outreach program, enable students to contribute their time and talent to the broader Flint community.