Tag Archives: featured
Presidential Visit Sparks UM-Flint Conversations
President Bill Clinton will visit UM-Flint's Northbank Center on October 3.
UM-Flint Holds Career Fair October 5
The UM-Flint Career Fair is October 5 at the Riverfront Center.
UM-Flint Alumna: Geriatric Social Work is Rewarding, Needed
Geriatric social workers help their clients with a variety of services, including Medicaid and Medicare, guardianship matters, durable power of attorney decisions, medical care and prescription drug use, home care planning, mental health concerns, and other needs.
UM-Flint Career Center Welcomes New Advisor
Get to know Emily Bank, a career advisor in the new UM-Flint Career Center. She's here to help students and alumni with career preparation, internships, interview skills, employment opportunities, and more.
UM-Flint Social Work & Correctional Facility Pilot Origami Project
Young men at the facility participated in a pilot program to create origami peace cranes.
UM-Flint Launches Safe Ride
UM-Flint launched Safe Ride this semester, which is a free transportation service on campus and the downtown area for university members.
UM-Flint Hosts Presidential Debate Watch
UM-Flint will host a Presidential Debate Watch September 26, with faculty leading discussions after the viewing.
UM-Flint Education Faculty Link Scholarship with Practice
Christine Kenney, PhD uses text connections to emphasize the practical side of research so students can apply aspects of their reading to their professional lives.
UM-Flint's Women of STEM: Bev Smith
Our series, Women of STEM, highlights the passion and leadership of some of the exceptional members of UM-Flint's STEM disciplines. Meet Associate Professor Beverley Smith: an anthropologist with a love for biology and a dedication to working with Native communities. She's also the featured presenter at Sloan Museum's "Archaeology in our Backyard" on September 22.
UM-Flint History Heads for Peaks and Valleys of Germany
UM-Flint History announces its 2016-17 Wyatt Exploration trip, "Germany: Land of Peaks and Valleys," and invites the campus and community to join in their associated activities.