Tag Archives: Chemistry and Biochemistry

From stargazing to supporting positive change on Earth: Dr. Jessica Tischler

Jessica Tischler is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UM-Flint

In second grade, Jessica Tischler was given a set of cardboard planets by her teacher. She put them on her bedroom ceiling and added new celestial bodies as the Voyager mission expanded our knowledge about the moons in our solar system. She began to stargaze in her backyard and began following the NASA shuttle launches,[…]

Green Chemistry's creative approach turns hard science into social impact

Associate Professor of Chemistry Jessica Tischler works with students Kelly Crowley and Ben Wood to conduct a demonstration in McKinnon Plaza.

Now in its fourth year, UM-Flint's Green Chemistry program is helping students prepare for cutting-edge careers in rapidly changing industries like pharmaceutical and plastics manufacturing, hazardous waste management, and environmental remediation. Nick Wills (Green Chemistry BS '20) was one of the program's first graduates. Now a chemistry Ph.D. student at Michigan State University, Wills is[…]