Q&A with UM-Flint's new Club Sports associate director

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Julia Stulock | UM-Flint Club Sports associate director
Julia Stulock | UM-Flint Club Sports associate director

Julia Stulock recently joined the University of Michigan-Flint community as Club Sports associate director. She discussed the opportunities Club Sports provides students, her impressions of campus, and more in this Q&A with University Communications and Marketing.

What intrigued you about this position?

Being a part of a close-knit campus community is something I've really enjoyed in the past, and thought UM-Flint could be a great place to really get to know the Club Sports participants. I also enjoy building and creating things, and with our Club Sports program being relatively young still, the growth opportunities are tremendous.

What are your early impressions of the university?

The campus has such a unique location being in the heart of Flint, and great food options in town, but the surprising part to me is the amount of green space and trees. It's not something you would expect in a downtown area and it is lovely. You can tell folks care about campus, and really connect with their students here.

What would you like to share with the university community about your professional background, and about your goals within this position?

I actually helped start a club sport when I was a student at UM-Dearborn, and others can do that here at UM-Flint. Club Sports are student led, so you just need to find enough fellow students and talk to us here in the Rec Center to get something started. That's definitely a goal for me, to increase the number of students we reach—whether that be through growing our current teams, or adding more sport options down the road.

For students and prospective students, what should they know about club sports at UM-Flint? Are there any new teams or other opportunities?

We are in fact having three new clubs start this coming fall: women's volleyball, women's basketball, and men's basketball. Club Sports are a great way to continue playing a sport you love, while representing UM-Flint. While there are team dues, the teams also receive some funding from the university to offset costs. Clubs travel to compete against other university club teams, which is typically a student's favorite part! Simply visit the Club Sports website to view contact info for each team.

The Office of Marketing & Communications can be reached at [email protected].