UM-Flint Celebrates Giving Blueday November 29

Next Tuesday, November 29, the University of Michigan-Flint will put its own maize and blue spin on Giving Tuesday, a global day of philanthropy and giving that falls each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
Giving Blueday—a time to celebrate and support what you love about the University of Michigan-Flint—marks its third year of celebration on this campus. The University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor and Dearborn will also participate. The day, though, is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of UM-Flint students.
"Giving Blueday is significant in that it gives our alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends the chance to support and impact the schools, programs, units, and scholarships which they feel are most important," said Jay Nussel, the Director of Development at UM-Flint. "We had a huge turnout last year – the most donors on a single day in the history of this university – and we hope to break the record again this year."
On last year's Giving Blueday, 163 donors made gifts totaling over $25,000. The gifts were spread out across campus, benefiting each major, school and college, and several different departments, programs, initiatives, and scholarships.
"The majority of the gifts to UM-Flint on Giving Blueday are within the $5 to $150 range, but it's not the size of the gift that matters," Nussel said. "It's all of us coming together to support our students. Many people making small gifts really adds up fast, and there several matching opportunities on November 29 that could double your gift, double your impact, and double the support that goes to our students and university."
"Giving Blueday is really a rallying point for our university community to celebrate all the things that make UM-Flint great."
When making a donation, those who give can designate what school, department, or other entity should receive the funds. Within this designation, the donor can select an area or areas of highest need.
Stay connected with UM-Flint on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the #GivingBlueday hashtag for interactive social media content, challenges, and real-time updates.
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