New Technology Introduced at UM-Flint

UM-Flint Information Technology Services (ITS) has recently launched some new technologies that will help the campus stay up-to-date.
Wireless Updates: eduroam launched
Secure, world-wide roaming access service, eduroam (education roaming) has been developed for use by the international research and education community. The University of Michigan-Flint is the fourth campus in Michigan to offer this service. By implementing eduroam, users will gain the ability to travel to any other participating campus and continue to utilize the wireless network using their campus login information.
"We are moving to using eduroam. Personally owned machines should connect to Setup Your Wireless which will configure eduroam automatically for them and remove any old UM-Flint networks," said Dana Woolcock, ITS Helpdesk coordinator. "Phones and tablets will need to pick eduroam out of the air. University owned machines are still using MWireless but we are working to send out an update to migrate those over as well, we are testing the update now. In the meantime we can configure any university owned laptop to use eduroam if the user visits the Helpdesk."
Connection instructions for eduroam:
UM-Flint Student Mobile App is now available
A UM-Flint mobile app is now available on Android and iOS devices. This app is intended to provide students with quick access to the Student Information System (SIS). Students will be able to view their class schedules, grades, the campus map, and more all from the newly created application.
Lecture Capture added to more classrooms
Mediated Classroom Services (MCS) has teamed up with the Office of Extended Learning (OEL) to offer a Mediasite Classroom Lecture Capture solution in these classrooms: French Hall 250, 431, 459, or 461; MSB 501 or 507; WSW 3202, 3153, 3146, or 3176. Mediasite Classroom Lecture Capture uses the classroom computer and webcam to easily record high-quality video, computer slideshow, and audio.
Call MCS (237-6628) or OEL (237-6691) to learn more.
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