Major Expansion of UM-Flint Student Veterans Center

UM-Flint's Student Veterans Resource Center, dedicated in 2009, is currently undergoing a renovation and expansion.
Facilities and Operations Department staff are doing the remodeling and expansion. The total renovated area will be 730 square feet, and will include a modification to one existing office and the carpeted area adjacent to the center. The addition will add 500 square feet to the Student Veterans Center that will consist of 4 offices, a reception area, and a storage area.
"We will also have a conference room so outside agencies such as a Veteran Service Officer from the VFW can utilize the space to help veterans file disability claims, or it could be used for study by student veterans if the center is too noisy, " explained Michelle Virden, coordinator of veterans services. "The additional space in the student area will have more desks with computers installed."
"The University of Michigan-Flint was among the first universities to establish a separate resource center for student veterans, and this expansion will allow us to consolidate a variety of important services within the center," said Chancellor Ruth J. Person. "This expansion is part of our commitment to remain a leader among universities in serving student veterans."
The project is scheduled to be completed November 1st.
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