UM-Flint Staff Spotlight: Dee Dee Hurley

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Each year, the UM-Flint Staff Council's Staff Recognition Award is given to deserving candidates who have been nominated by supervisors or colleagues from around the university. The award criteria focus on leadership, teamwork, service, and dedication.

In 2016, nearly twenty deserving candidates were considered before two winners were selected. However, being nominated is an honor in and of itself.  We would like to highlight those nominated and share their stories as submitted by their nominators.

Meet Dee Dee Hurley

Dee Dee Hurley joined the University of Michigan-Flint in 2000 after a year of temp service in 1999. She currently serves as a Generalist Associate in UM-Flint Human Resources, assisting departments and offices with appointment processing and other HR-related issues.

"Dee Dee's impact to the campus may not always be seen," noted HR Director Beth Manning. "She is, however, always working behind the scenes on personnel, payroll, and reporting documents to allow departments and people to be able to manage their HR functions more easily and focus on their priorities. Most importantly, she cares about people."

Continued Manning, "Dee Dee has the unique ability and natural instinct to help people, making it easy for her to look beyond easy answers in order to provide employees with answers they really need."

Part of the UM-Flint Team

Hurley's nominators all spoke strongly of her dedication to teamwork at UM-Flint, and the ways in which it extends beyond her position in HR. "Dee Dee has volunteered to help at many commencements and university-sponsored volunteer events, such as the UM-Flint Scholarship Golf Outing (giving up a vacation day to do so), Crim Festival of Races water stations, and welcome back picnics just to name a few," wrote Manning. "She is always eager to assist and fits into whatever role is needed to make the event a success."

Nominator Jo Klingler added, "Honestly, I don't think I can describe 'teamwork' without thinking of Dee Dee's quote: 'Jo, it takes teamwork to make the dream work.' We here at the University of Michigan–Flint cannot ask for a better, more willing 'team member' to assist us than Dee Dee!"

Her dedication to a team environment also shows in the ways in which she helps a wide variety of university employees. "One of Dee Dee's highest priorities is to transfer her knowledge to others," reported Manning. "Examples include taking time to work with administrative support staff over the phone, or more frequently in person, to walk them through electronic approval processes."

Hurley's helpful and engaging personality is also known for making an impression with new hires: "Even after many years of service at the University," said Manning, "faculty and staff still comment that they remember their first experience with the University as the great service that they received from Dee Dee."

A Dedicated Staff Member

Hurley is also known for going above and beyond not just with her time, but in the personal connections she makes with staff members, faculty, and university administrators. Multiple nominators commented on her ability to truly listen to the needs of others and respond in ways that work within the university system while accomplishing their goals.

Manning recounted the story of a staff member struggling after returning to work following a tough family situation. "Dee Dee heard that the staff member was having a difficult time making it through the work days," recalled Manning. "Dee Dee reached out to the staff member to offer her support. This was not just a simple phone call but a dedicated effort from Dee Dee, listening to the person's needs, providing her own personal support, and also recommending the use of University resources such as FASAP. The staff member was truly touched by the concern, gesture, and follow-up at a later date. This situation is not unique for Dee Dee, it simply is a part of her everyday work and personal ethic."

"Often times you will hear Dee Dee say, 'my pleasure' when someone compliments her on her work," Manning added. "She means this exactly as she says it—it truly is her pleasure to work with people. I'll close this nomination with the fact that it is indeed my pleasure to work with Dee Dee and to be able to support her nomination for this award."

Congratulations, Dee Dee Hurley, on your nomination!

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