Campus News Digest | April 9-21, 2019

The Campus News Digest (CND) features announcements, news, and event updates relevant to the UM-Flint campus. The CND is distributed every two weeks in the UM-Flint NOW newsletter coordinated by University Communications & Marketing (UCOM).
Critical Issues Forum and Sullenger Dialogues welcomes Shabnam Mogharabi Apr. 10
The final speaker in the 2018-19 Critical Issues Forum season, Shabnam Mogharabi, will be on campus this Wed., Apr. 10. She is the CEO of SoulPancake, an entertainment company she co-founded with actor Rainn Wilson that creates positive, socially conscious videos about human connection. Her talk will focus on identifying what fuels you, and finding your authentic voice. The forum luncheon, requiring a ticket and reservation, begins at 11:45 a.m. The Sullenger Dialogues-free, public sessions-will take place in the Northbank Center's Park Place Room at 1:45 p.m. following the luncheon.
5th Annual Fire Pit Talent Show, Apr. 10
Student Government will host the 5th Annual Fire Pit Talent Show on Wed., Apr. 10 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kiva auditorium. Food and prizes available.
Japanese Taiko and Music Group to visit campus on Apr. 12
The Department of History and the Wyatt Exploration Program will host Nagata Shachu, a Japanese taiko and music group, on Fri., Apr 12 from 7-9 p.m. in the UM-Flint Theatre. The event is free and open to the public. Contact the Department of History at (810) 762-3366 for more information.
Earth Day Celebration on Sat., Apr. 13
UM-Flint, Kettering, and Mott Community College are partnering again for the annual community Earth Day Celebration at the Regional Technology Center on the Mott Community College Campus on Saturday, Apr. 13 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and see many student clubs & local exhibitors: performances by a local Flint youth improv group, food trucks, free seedlings, print your own t-shirt, live animals & birds of prey, recycled art contest for kids & adults, engaging presentations on timely environmental topics and much, much more! Contact EHS with any questions (810) 766-6763 or e-mail the planning team at [email protected].
Chancellor's Ice Cream Social Apr. 16
Enjoy ice cream treats with Chancellor Borrego and the entire campus community at the annual Ice Cream Social at the UPAV Ice Rink on Apr. 16 from 3-4 p.m. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome. UPAV is rain location.
Clothesline Project on display, Apr. 8-16
The Center for Gender and Sexuality will display t-shirts created for the Clothesline Project from Apr. 8-16 on the first and third floor of UCEN. The Clothesline Project is a project started in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women.
Extended hours and special events in the Thompson Library
Beginning Fri., Apr. 19, the Frances Willson Thompson Library will be open two extra hours each night to help students finish the semester. These extended hours end on Sat., Apr. 27 when the library closes at 8 p.m.
In addition, the library will host these special events:
- 90 Hour Library: Come and take advantage of the library being open for 90 hours straight from Apr.15 at 8 a.m. to Apr. 19th at 2 a.m. Study snacks will be provided to help fuel those long hours of study. The Pavilion parking deck will remain open all night. University of Michigan-Flint Department of Public Safety and Alpha Sigma Phi Zeta Phi will be providing safety escorts.
- Therapy Dogs: Paws for Stress Relief: Come pet your stress away with the Mid Michigan Therapy Dogs – Angels with Paws! The dogs and their handlers will be visiting the library's third floor lobby and the Student Veterans Center.
Register now for UM-Flint Staff & Faculty Golf Outing, Jun. 14
Registration is now open for the UM-Flint Staff & Faculty Golf Outing to be held Fri, Jun. 14 at Sugarbush Golf Course in Davison. Cost is $75 for individual player or $300 for a team, and includes 18 holes of golf, food at the turn, buffet-style lunch, and much more.
Spring Dance Concert, Apr. 19 and Apr. 20
The Department of Theatre & Dance will present its yearly, faculty-choreographed Spring Dance Concert on Apr. 19 at 7:30 p.m. and two shows on Apr. 20 at 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. on the Main Stage. Tickets required for the 70-minute show featuring a variety of dance styles that's suitable for all ages.
Student Government Election results announced
Congratulations to the following students who have been elected to Student Government for 2019-2020:
- Nickxit Bhardwaj (President)
- Lauren Odira (Vice President)
- Sierra Sturgeon (Senator)
- Angela Wang (Senator)
Construction for MSB expansion to begin Apr. 8
Construction mobilization for the Murchie Science Building expansion is scheduled to begin the week of April 8th, 2019. During this time the project team will begin installing construction fencing that will impact vehicular and pedestrian traffic at and near the University Center loop. This fencing will eventually block vehicular traffic from entering University Center loop and require slight pedestrian re-routing for access to the Rec-Center, University Center and Murchie Science Building. Signs will be in place to assist in pedestrian and vehicular rerouting.
The impacted handicap parking at the University Center Loop has been addressed by adding additional handicap spaces at Mill Street Deck. The north east corner of Lot A will be fenced off for contractor parking as well as placement of a construction trailer. Please contact Facilities and Operations with any questions or concerns at (810) 762-3223.
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