UM-Flint's Department of Public Safety presents annual awards

UM-Flint's Department of Public Safety (DPS) held its annual awards presentation on May 17.
This is the sixth year DPS has held this event, which is meant to "highlight the accomplishments of the individual members of the Department of Public Safety and community members over the past year and to celebrate the University's 'unsung heroes.'"
The following awards were presented:
Awarded to an individual for uninterrupted five-year terms of continuous service with DPS.
Five Years
- Chief Raymond Hall
- Comm. Ofc. Sara Groulx
- Comm. Ofc. Stacia Bender
Fifteen Years
- Sonja Overall
Ten Years
- Security Ofc. Shenita Glover
- Security Ofc. Gary Maurer
- Gaye Stover
Twenty Years
- Kathy Howe
Safe Driving Award
Presented to members of DPS who drive a University vehicle as part of their regular duties and have not been found responsible for a traffic or private property crash within the previous incremental five-year periods.
Five Years
- Police Ofc. Todd Coles
- Police Ofc. Steven Mayfield
- Security Ofc. Gary Maurer
- Security Ofc. Shenita Glover
- Security Ofc. James Vogt
- Security Officer Russell Taunt
Ten Years (2007 to present, not previously awarded)
- Sgt. David Hunter
- Sgt. Bruce Sepanak
- Police Ofc. Mark Smith
- Security Ofc. Russell Taunt
- Security Ofc. Sonja Overall
- Security Ofc. Philicia Allen
Letter of Commendation
Presented to persons assisting the DPS who would not be recognized in any of the other award categories, but went above and beyond the normal scope of their duties.
- Sarah Christensen & Bill Dirk – DPS Little Free Library Project
- Sara Groat & Alex Straley – Housing & Residential Life
- Angie McChristian – Flint Urban Safety Corps.
Outstanding Public Service Award
Awarded for voluntary services that involved sacrifice to job or self while assisting the Department.
- Terry LaFeldt & Dwayne Gidcumb – Facilities and Operations
Student Patrol Officer of the Year Award
- Student Patrol Officer Jason Clark
Crime Prevention Award
Awarded to citizens for their contributions to the enhancement of crime or loss prevention thereby enhancing the safety and security of the Flint Campus Community.
- Alpha Sigma Phi
Meritorious Service Citation
Awarded to an officer who, in the line of duty through diligence and perseverance, performs difficult tasks under unusual circumstances going beyond what is normally expected where a crime is prevented, life or property has been protected, or a criminal is apprehended.
- Chief Raymond Hall & Security Officer Russell Taunt
Certificate of Commendation
Awarded to an officer who performs a service that is deemed both effective and unusually beneficial to the community or Department.
- Comm. Ofc. Stacia Bender
- Lt. Phillip Smith
- Police Ofc. Mark Walker
- Police Ofc. Mitchell Lipp
- Student Ofc. Jason Clark
- Comm. Ofc. Sara Groulx
- Sgt. Bruce Sepanak
- Police Ofc. Torrey Ruffin
- Police Ofc. Eric Thompson
- Security Specialist David Arnould
Unit Citation for Professional Excellence
Awarded to a group of personnel for performance, as a team, of a duty or assignment in a manner that is deemed highly effective, skillfully conducted, and of exceptional benefit to the community or Department.
- Chief Raymond Hall
- Det. Sgt. Jeffrey Fray
- Police Ofc. Mitchell Lipp
- Police Ofc. Mark Walker
- Security Ofc. James Vogt
- Lt. Phillip Smith
- Sgt. Meoachy Proby
- Police Ofc. Anthony Mata
- Police Ofc. Bruce Andres
- Security Specialist David Arnould
Professional Excellence Citation
Awarded to an individual for performance of a duty or assignment in a manner that is deemed highly effective, skillfully conducted and of exceptional benefit to the community or Department.
- Sgt. Meoachy Proby
- Police Ofc. Mark Walker
Special Recognition
- DPS Honor Guard
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