UM-Flint Financial Aid Director Elected to National Leadership Position

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UM-Flint director of financial aid Lori Vedder is chair elect of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
UM-Flint director of financial aid Lori Vedder is chair elect of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.

University of Michigan-Flint director of financial aid Lori Vedder has been elected to a three year leadership position with a national education association.

Vedder will start her year-long role as national chair elect of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) in July. One year later, she'll be the national chair of the Washington D.C.-based group. The following year, she'll help her successor transition to the job.

The group "provides professional development for financial aid administrators; advocates for public policies that increase student access and success; serves as a forum on student financial aid issues, and is committed to diversity throughout all activities", according to its mission statement.

Vedder, who has been the financial aid director at UM-Flint since 2002, has long been active with the organization.

"I'm very honored my colleagues have faith in me. I know it's a big role to fill. I'm very glad that UM-Flint has supported me and my staff. I think it's a great opportunity, not only for myself professionally but also our institution," Vedder said. "I really am looking forward to seeing what we can do to keep financial aid programs at the forefront of the Congressional agenda over the next three years."

The role will include working closely with her peers from across the country.

"This helps put the UM-Flint name out there across the country," she said.

NASFAA counts more than 20,000 financial aid professionals, and about 3,000 colleges as members, including UM-Flint.

"The benefits of being with colleagues and having small group meetings is priceless. The networking you can do is phenomenal with this group," Vedder said.

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