UM-Flint Career Center Welcomes New Advisor

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Emily Bank, Career Advisor in the UM-Flint Career Center
Emily Bank, Career Advisor in the UM-Flint Career Center

Get to know Emily Bank, a career advisor in the new UM-Flint Career Center. She's here to help students and alumni with career preparation, internships, interview skills, employment opportunities, and more.

UM-Flint's Fall Career Fair will be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Riverfront Center.

What work will you be doing in the UM-Flint Career Center?

As a Career Advisor, I am available to meet with current students and alumni to discuss career exploration, interview techniques, internship and job opportunities, and alumni volunteer events. I want to learn about what internship and job experiences students are having during their time at [the] University of Michigan-Flint and after graduation. We will also host a number of events each semester to help prepare students for the workforce, like career fairs, alumni career panels, and workshops.

What experience do you bring to this position?

I have a background in student affairs and higher education leadership. I love working with students and learning about the experiential learning they do both on and off campus.

Who will you be serving?

I am available to assist all students and alumni at the University of Michigan-Flint, but I will be focusing specifically on meeting with students in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Myesha Cannon, the other Career Advisor in the Career Center, is also available to meet with all students, and she is the Career Advisor for students in the liberal arts.

Why are you working specifically with STEM students and alumni?

We are finding that employers are looking for students who possess a high level of technical skill to intern and work for their companies. STEM students have that technical talent, and I hope to help students present those skills effectively to employers. STEM faculty have knowledge about where their students are getting jobs and internships, so they are great resources to help place students at a job that's right for them.

What do you hope for your time at UM-Flint?

My ultimate goal as a Career Advisor is to meet with every student on campus to learn about their goals, their passions, and how we can help them now and after graduation. I want to build relationships with students that will help them succeed throughout their time at UM-Flint and beyond. Additionally, I hope to teach students about job and internship avenues they may not be familiar with. I also hope that we can increase job and internship postings for students on Career Connection.

What advice about career preparation do you have for all students?

Career preparation is all about confidence. Be confident in your skills and experiences. Be confident in your world class education from University of Michigan-Flint. Be confident when walking up to an employer and shaking their hand for the first time at an interview or career fair. And be confident that you have what it takes to be successful in whatever occupation you choose. Also, attend as many events as possible starting as a freshman. We have the Fall 2016 Career Fair taking place on Wednesday, October 5 from 12-3p at the Riverfront Center. You might meet your future boss as a result of attending!

If students or alumni would like to schedule and appointment to meet with Emily Bank, contact her at 810.424.5244 or email [email protected]. For more information on the new UM-Flint Career Center, visit

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