UM-Flint Writing Center Helps Creative Writers with "Works-in-Progress"

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The Marian E. Wright Writing Center at University of Michigan-Flint
The Marian E. Wright Writing Center at University of Michigan-Flint

The Marian E. Wright Writing Center at University of Michigan-Flint is hosting a new campus writing group.

Lace Nelson, a UM-Flint student, and tutor at the writing center, formed "WIP Into Shape" to give fellow creative writers an outlet to share their work, brainstorm ideas, and provide overall support and networking.

Today, March 7, marks the second meeting, which is held from 7 to 8 p.m. The writing center is located within the Frances Willson Thompson Library near the main entrance.

Nelson, an English major, said the setup is informal and welcoming. The group name stems from writers' works-in-progress (WIP), and those who attend are encouraged to bring pieces they are working on if they would like. But writers don't have to bring work.

"I want it to be informal," Nelson said,

Paige Anderson attended the first "WIP into Shape" gathering.
Paige Anderson attended the first "WIP into Shape" gathering.

All types of creative writing can be discussed, she said, including prose, poetry, and creative nonfiction.

"I really enjoy talking to other writers," Nelson said. "Sometimes I think me and other writers can get into it all day, talking about writing."

Ethan Zeigler, who studies Spanish and Linguistics at UM-Flint, attended the first session. He enjoyed the casual and encouraging environment of the group.

"It's nice to have some kind of feedback that's consistent," said Zeigler, who focuses on writing magical realism and fantasy. "For me, it's largely the support."

Zeigler said he plans on attending again and liked the creative brainstorming.

"It's fun to bounce ideas, characters, and plots off people and get their ideas," he said.

All WIP into Shape meetings are slated to be held from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Writing Center. The future meetings scheduled after today are March 23, April 4, and April 13.

If you have any questions, contact Nelson at [email protected].

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