UM-Flint LGBT Center's PRIDE Week Events

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UM-Flint's Ellen Bommarito LGBT Center director talks with a student.
UM-Flint's Ellen Bommarito LGBT Center director talks with a student.

The University of Michigan-Flint will host a series of events to celebrate PRIDE Week, which is held the last full week of February.

"The theme of this year's PRIDE Week is integrating identities," said Jen Salamone, program manager of the Ellen Bommarito LGBT Center at UM-Flint. "Our purpose and hoped for impact of the week's events is to educate the campus community about the diversity within the LGBTQA+ community and how the different social identities we hold impact our experiences," Salamone said about the events held next week. "We want to contribute to the goal of creating inclusive communities on the UM-Flint campus by engaging in dialogue about what things we do well to promote inclusion and ways we can do better."

The events include:

 LGBTQA+ Jeopardy!

  • Date: Tuesday, February 23
  • Time: 12:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
  • Location: Michigan Room A

The event is a "fun, educational event where contestants and participants can learn about LGBTQA+ people and culture," Salamone said, with a look at terminologies, stereotypes, intersectionality, and other categories. This is co-sponsored by the student groups PRIDE and Students for Free Thought.

Enacting Allyship: Exploring LGBTQA+ Microagressions in the Classroom and How to Move Past Them | Panel Discussion

  • Date: Wednesday, February 24
  • Time: 1:30 p.m.—2:30 p.m.
  • Location: TCLT 134 Library

This will be a student panel, and is "an ideal opportunity for our campus, including students, faculty, staff, and administrators to learn about LGBTQA+ student experiences on campus and how they perceive the climate," Salamone said. "Students will have the opportunity to have their voices heard and we will be able to come together as a campus community to generate ideas to promote inclusion campus wide."

The discussion is co-sponsored by the LGBT Center and the Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching (TCLT).

You, Me, Us, and We: Real Talk About Intersectionality

  • Date: Thursday, February 25
  • Time: 7:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
  • Location: French Hall 111

This workshop will look at the intersections of sex, gender and sexuality, and features Trelawny Boynton, the director of the office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

During PRIDE Week, the LGBT Center will also hold the first meeting of its news social and support group, PRISM. The group, which will meet every two weeks on Wednesdays, is open to students, faculty and staff. The first meeting is 6 to 8 p.m. February 24 at the LGBT Center, located Room 213 in the University Center.

The Office of Marketing & Communications can be reached at [email protected].