UM-Flint to Offer Unique Opportunity to Use Technology in Holocaust Study

The 2nd annual Summer Workshop on Teaching and Working with Survivor Testimonies is offering an extraordinary opportunity July 14-18 to explore digital testimony about the Holocaust and Rwanda genocides, two of the most profoundly significant events in recent history.
The Summer Workshop, held on the UM-Flint campus, is geared toward high school and college teachers of global history, as well as graduate students in history, anthropology, education, literature, and other humanities disciplines.
Participants will develop information literacy and critical skills to aid in teaching and conducting research utilizing Holocaust and Rwanda genocide survivor testimonies online. Programming includes evening events Monday through Thursday. A packet of readings will be sent prior to the workshop.
Learning outcomes include:
• Understanding digital testimony as resources about the past
• Comprehending testimonies as constructed dialogic "retellings"
• Access to Holocaust and Rwanda testimonies via UM-Flint's subscription to the Shoah Visual History Archive
The workshop will feature specialists in Holocaust research, including Michigan State University professor and former UM-Flint Winegarden Visiting Professor Ken Waltzer, Ph.D. The Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive is the largest Holocaust testimony archive in existence today. Testimonies in the archive can be accessed online through UM-Flint's Frances Willson Thompson Library website.
The workshop is supported by the Office of the Provost, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Thompson Library, and the Jewish Studies Program at Michigan State University.
More information is available online at
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