Super Science Friday Brings Hundreds of Middle School Students to UM-Flint

It is all about one of the fastest-growing areas of education: STEM, the acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
This year, Super Science Friday brought nearly 700 students from 21 middle and junior high schools from throughout Genesee County to the UM-Flint campus. They were given a first-hand look at demonstrations from all of the STEM fields.
This is the 8th year that UM-Flint faculty and staff have prepared presentations with the goal of encouraging students to further explore the sciences. About 90 volunteers presented 25 different workshops that were open to the students in a variety of disciplines, including:
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Astronomy
- Computer Science
- Earth and Resource Science
- Nursing
- Music
- Physical Therapy
- Health Sciences
- Public Health
- Biology
- Theatre
"Super Science Friday provides a great opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students to get exposure to different science and math content areas in a college setting," said SSF Coordinator Mark Miller Ed.D. " As a result of this program, it is hoped students will be more inclined to pursue academic interests in the science and math areas during their high school careers."
Super Science Friday is made possible by a number of sponsors, including: Nartel Family Foundation, Frederick & Stella Loeb Charitable Trust, and Herbert J. and Dorothy W. Booth Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.
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