UM-Flint Selected "Engaged Campus of the Year"

The University of Michigan-Flint has been selected as the first recipient of the "Engaged Campus of the Year Award" presented by the Michigan Campus Compact.
"Faculty professional development workshops with service-centric ideologies are often scheduled to assure that service is at the forefront of curriculum," said Chancellor Ruth J. Person. "We are proud of our efforts with community groups to seek funding for various projects that benefit our students and the community."
The Michigan Engaged Campus of the Year Award recognizes institutions of higher education for exemplary commitment to being an "engaged campus." Applicants were judged according to criteria expressed in Campus Compact's Indicators of Engagement. There were nine nominees in this year's competition.
"Michigan Campus Compact is very excited to have presented the University of Michigan-Flint the Engaged Campus Award for their commitment to expand volunteering on campus and in the surrounding communities for the awards inaugural year," said Renee Zientek, executive director of Michigan Campus Compact.
UM-Flint's application for the award pointed out that the theme of the university's 2011-2016 Strategic Plan is civic engagement, and the university is working hard to continue to increase and improve service opportunities at the school.
"We constantly reinforce our commitment to engagement, and I am proud of our accomplishments that were achieved because our dedicated faculty, students, staff, and community partners," said Person.
The award was presented as part of the observance of National Volunteer Week and the annual Giving and Volunteering Celebration held in Lansing.
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