Employer Participation Increases at UM-Flint Career Fair

Maybe it is a positive sign-of-the-times that indicates the economy is improving. The most recent UM-Flint Career Fair saw an almost 30% increase in the number of employers over the last fair.
While the Career Development Center is looking for ways to increase student attendance at the fair, the majority of employers are happy with the turnout.
"We did an informal survey with employers at the end of the fall fair this year to see how they felt about student and alumni attendance," said Ami Moss, director of the Academic Advising and Career Center. "About 95% of the employers said that they were happy with the quality of the students and alumni they met at the fair, and were pleased with the outcome."
There are two more career fairs scheduled in April and one them is being held for the first time.
The Green Career Fair is set for April 11, and is part of the week-long 2012 Earth Day celebration at UM-Flint. The fair will feature Michigan employers who are dedicated to incorporating "green" methods and talents into their companies. An employer-led panel will examine employment opportunities and future "green" trends in Michigan.
The Green Career Fair will be held in the Happening Room beginning at 2:30 p.m. The panel session will follow at 4:15.
The second career fair in April is aimed at Education graduates and will be held on the Saginaw Valley University campus. This fair is jointly sponsored by Oakland University, University of Michigan-Flint, and Saginaw Valley State University to give education graduates an opportunity to speak with school districts in Michigan and beyond.
The 2012 University Collaboration Education Fair will be held April 25, 12 p.m.-4 p.m., Curtiss Hall, SVSU.
For questions concerning these events or registration, please call the University of Michigan-Flint's Academic Advising and Career Center at (810) 762-3085.
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