UM-Flint and Livingston County Schools Establish "Dual Enrollment Educational Partnership" (DEEP)

The University of Michigan-Flint is joining with all Livingston County High Schools to offer students an opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school through a new Dual Enrollment Educational Partnership (DEEP).
DEEP is an innovative educational initiative that will provide in-depth college courses to help jumpstart students' higher education career. Participating in the program are Hartland Consolidated Schools, Brighton High School, Pinckney High School, Fowlerville High School, and Howell High School. All courses will be taught on-site by UM-Flint faculty at the Educational Support Services Building at Hartland Consolidated Schools.
Participants in the program will be dual-enrolled in their home high schools and UM-Flint. Credits earned will be recorded on official UM-Flint transcripts as regular UM-Flint courses. Students completing the program will earn a total of 12 credits, applicable to four-year degree programs at UM-Flint and potentially other institutions.
Selected high-ability, highly motivated senior students from the five public high schools in Livingston County will be eligible to enroll in the DEEP program. Each local high school will develop a specific selection process and criteria for eligibility. In addition, the University of Michigan-Flint has established general expectations for enrollees in the DEEP program.
Courses to be offered during the fall 2012 and winter 2013 semesters include:
Business and Economic Professions Program (12 credits)
- Business (BUS) 110: Business Concepts & Careers, 3 credits-fall
- Economics (ECN) 201: Principles of Economics-Macroeconomics, 3 credits-fall
- Business (BUS) 115: Introduction to Business Applications, 3 credits-winter
- Economics (ECN) 202: Principles of Economics-Microeconomics, 3 credits-winter
Law and Criminal Justice Professions Program (12 credits)
- Political Science (POL) 120: American National Government & Politics, 3 credits-fall
- Communication (COM) 204: Argumentation and Debate, 3 credits-fall
- Criminal Justice (CRJ) 185: Introduction to the Criminal Justice System, 3 credits-winter
- Political Science (POL) 329: Civil Liberties and the Constitution, 3 credits-winter
The anticipated 2012-2013 cost (projected tuition* + fees + textbooks) for either of these 12-credit DEEP programs is estimated at $5,000-5,100. As part of the partnership arrangement with the five Livingston County high schools offering the DEEP program, University of Michigan-Flint will provide partial funding to reduce the impact of regular tuition and fees for these courses. In addition, Michigan's Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act of 1996 enables high school students to qualify for dual-enrollment funding from their local school districts which can be applied toward the students' UM-Flint enrollment costs. These two factors will reduce the program costs for Livingston County students to approximately $500 for the entire 12-credit program ($250 per semester).
*Tuition rates for each academic year are determined annually in June by the University of Michigan Board of Regents.
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