UM-Flint Engineering Professor Works to Improve Quality of Higher Education at the International Level

Like other countries in Southeast Asia, Bangladesh is looking for assistance to improve the quality of its higher education programs. A University of Michigan-Flint faculty member has answered the call to provide his expertise as a way of giving back to his native country.
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Quamrul Mazumder, Ph.D., is already well known to many people in Bangladesh, especially those in the higher education community. He is a Fulbright Specialist in the area of engineering, and his expertise is widely sought by engineering education communities in many countries.
"The University Grant Commission of the Ministry of Education invited me to be the keynote speaker at a higher education quality improvement workshop, as well as make presentations to both faculty and administrators at various universities in Bangladesh" said Mazumder.
To make a broader impact, he appeared on the Bangladesh National Television Network where he was interviewed about how to improve the quality of higher education.
He was also invited by the U.S. Embassy to give a special presentation on the U.S. educational system, and is often a guest columnist in national newspapers with articles about how to improve the quality of higher education.
Mazumder continues to travel back and forth to Bangladesh to develop international collaborations with the higher education community. He is currently conducting a comparative study of educational systems in the USA and Bangladesh to provide recommendations to the government of Bangladesh.
His efforts to improve the quality of education at the international level have opened the door for further internationalization of UM-Flint.
"This type of international engagement will help develop more articulation agreements, student and faculty exchange programs with institutions, and the government of Bangladesh and other countries in the world," said Mazumder. "I am also planning to offer a study abroad program in Bangladesh in summer 2012 for UM-Flint students."
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