UM-Flint Students Welcomed Back

The decision to actually believe a weather forecast proved to be a good one for moving the traditional Welcome Back Picnic indoors.
The sun came out long enough to greet the runners and walkers in the traditional Cake Walk, which kicks-off the activities. More than 90 cakes were donated for the event. It was Theresa Landis, director of Events and Building Services, who was first to cross the finish line. It is believed by some of the "old timers" that next year will be the 25th anniversary of the Cake Walk.
Students were treated to a hot dog and hamburger lunch, and there enough activities to please almost anyone. Rock wall climbing, inflatable slides, boxing rings, and bull riding were just some of the activities surrounding the outside of University Center (UCEN). All three floors of UCEN were used for organizations and departments to set up informational tables. Volunteers pushing ice cream carts handed out hundreds of treats.
For more photos of the picnic visit the UM-Flint Facebook page.
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