UM-Flint fraternity takes on prescription drug problem
The University of Michigan-Flint Theta Chi Fraternity and the Genesee County Community Mental Health worked with the Genesee County Sheriff's Department and sponsored a Prescription Drug Drop Off location that netted hundreds of bottles of drugs that will be destroyed.
The University ofMichigan-Flint Theta Chi Fraternity and the Genesee County Community MentalHealth sponsored a Prescription Drug Drop Off location that netted hundreds ofbottles of drugs that will be destroyed.
A booth was set up at theentrance to the horseshoe drive in front of the University Center to make itconvenient to drop off the unwanted drugs. Representatives from the GeneseeCounty Sheriff's Department Reserve Unit were also on hand to oversee thecollection.
Theta Chi representativessay that throughout the state of Michigan, including Genesee County, there is agrowing problem of prescription drug abuse within the schools, and that is whythe fraternity was doing its part to help prevent the problem.
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