UM-Flint Student Nurses Reach Donation Limit
“We cannot carry or wear anything else to the Dominican Republic,” said Professor Maureen Tippen after spending this past Sunday (Jan.31) packing for their upcoming trip.
University of Michigan-Flint student nurses were recently told that the clinics and hospitals where they will be volunteering in the Dominican Republic are filled with Haitian earthquake victims. Because of the great need, the students asked for donations for orthopedic items. The donations poured in.
"We cannot carry or wear anything else to the Dominican Republic," said Professor Maureen Tippen after spending this past Sunday (Jan.31) packing for their upcoming trip.
Tippen said they are carrying about 900 pounds of packaged donated items with them. They will also add items to their carryon bags, plus leave behind most of their own clothes.
For the past 15 years, the trip to the Dominican Republic has been part of the International Service Learning courses of the nursing program. Tippen, who heads the trips, says she is being briefed that San Pedro's Hospital, where the students will be working, has many Haitians with multiple orthopedic needs, mostly crushing injuries and amputations.
Tippen said additional monetary donations would be helpful. She also added, she was overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity, and wanted to thank all those who donated.
The group leaves February 12.
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