Tag Archives: featured

Come One, Come All! (Kearsley Carnival Photo Gallery)

Among UM-Flint's packed schedule of Homecoming activities was the Kearsley Carnival, which offered food, fun and prizes for the whole community.

Nothing beats the thrill of the midway! The campus and local communities filled Kearsley Street, Sept. 9, for the aptly named Kearsley Carnival. There was fun, food and prizes for everyone. A huge thanks to all who were able to come out and share in the fun.

Wolverine Homecoming Weekend (Photo Gallery)

The UM-Flint communities came together during Wolverine Homecoming & Family Weekend 2023, with the Candyland Homecoming Dance and the Alumni Blue Carpet Affair.

Life is sweet! Current UM-Flint students and alums enjoyed our Wolverine Homecoming & Family Weekend, Sept. 8, with the Candyland Homecoming Dance and the Alumni Blue Carpet Affair. Both events consisted of music, dancing, food and fellowship. Let's take a look at the fun-filled night of laughter and memories to cherish. GO BLUE!

Saying Goodbye to Summer (Photo Gallery)

"Party in the Plaza" and "The Last Splash" helped students make new connections on campus and learn more about involvement opportunities.

UM-Flint students got together for a pair of events, Sept. 6, for music, games, food and fun as ways of peer bonding and saying goodbye to summer. "Party In the Plaza" helped provide participants with a peek into what Greek life on campus is all about, while "The Last Splash" brought both athletic competition and[…]

UM-Flint unveils trailblazing cannabis-centric course

“The History and Culture of Cannabis" is the first course covering the plant to be taught at UM-Flint.

Students in one new University of Michigan-Flint course are hoping for "high" marks this fall as they delve into the past, present and future of one of the country's newest cash crops.  The course, titled "The History and Culture of Cannabis," examines cannabis' deep roots in global history, the traditions of its use and its[…]

Two UM-Flint physical therapy students awarded national scholarship

Physical therapy students Natalie El-Zayat and Nia Ahart both recently received the Crest Scholarship, a national honor awarded by Rizing Tide, a foundation dedicated to creating a racially diverse and inclusive workforce in PT.

University of Michigan-Flint physical therapy students Natalie El-Zayat and Nia Ahart both chose their field of study after seeing firsthand the impact a physical therapist can have on a patient's quality of life. Now they have another thing in common. They are recipients of the prestigious Crest Scholarship, a national honor awarded by Rizing Tide,[…]

Getting Mgaged! (Photo Gallery)

The Mgagement Fair allowED the UM-Flint community to learn more about student clubs and services, like Latinos United for Advancement.

A wide variety of student clubs and organizations and university departments filled McKinnon Plaza, Aug. 30, for the annual Mgagement Fair. The event, open to all students, faculty and staff, showcases the many opportunities for building connections, sharing interests and becoming involvement at the downtown Flint campus and throughout the city. 

Genesee Early College unveils new space on UM-Flint campus

Members of the ribbon cutting ceremony (from left to right): GISD Superintendent Steve Tunnicliff, GEC Assistant Principal Jennifer Thomas, GEC Principal Robert McAllister, GISD Board President Richard Hill, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley, UM-Flint Provost Sonja Feist-Price, UM-Flint Director of K-12 Partnerships Suzanne Knight, UM-Flint Interim Chancellor Donna Fry, GISD Board Secretary Janis Bugbee.

During an Aug. 30 ribbon cutting ceremony, the Genesee Early College introduced its new home on the University of Michigan-Flint campus. GEC is now located on the fourth floor of David M. French Hall after a move from the Northbank Center. UM-Flint and GEC have been in partnership since 2007. GEC is a five-year early[…]

And So It Begins (First Day Photo Gallery)

After a weekend filled with welcome activities, students returned to campus for the first day of fall classes, Aug. 28.

The first day of fall classes arrived at UM-Flint bringing with it lots of hustle and bustle across campus. And despite the lack of autumn-like temperatures, no matter where you looked – French Hall, the University Center or Murchie Science Building – the campus was buzzing with activity. It's good to have everyone "home" and[…]