
Currently showing results 361371 of 371 for shps

  • UM-Flint Physical Therapy Department Enrollment Expansion

    The University of Michigan-Flint will substantially increase enrollment in its Physical Therapy Program (DPT). This move comes at a time when the nation is seeing a shortage of physical therapists. The expansion of the DPT Program will allow enrollment to increase by 50%. In the past, only 40 students per year could be accepted. The program is now planning to increase admittance to 60 students annually beginning in fall 2010.

  • UM-Flint Senior Selected for Prestigious Scholarships and Research Opportunities

    Cameron Waites will have an opportunity to advance his
    education at some of the most prestigious institutions in the country. He has
    been named one of about 15 recipients selected from hundreds of applications
    for the highly competitive National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate
    Scholarship Program (USP). During the 10- week summer laboratory experience, he
    will be assigned to an NIH researcher and a postdoctoral fellow, who will serve
    as mentors.

  • New UM-Flint Program Aimed at Shortage of Health Care Providers

    Estimates of shortages for both nurses (RNs) and primary care doctors are painting bleak pictures for future U.S. health care. Recent government reports indicate a shortage of 500,000 RNs* and 46,000 primary care physicians by 2025*. Some estimates are even higher.

    The University of Michigan-Flint is offering a new program in fall of 2009, online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Offered through the School of Health Professions and Studies the DNP, provides the skills necessary for advanced nursing practice in primary health care.

  • UM-Flint Nursing Students Establish Child Life Center

    In late May, nine students and two nursing faculty traveled to Kenya to participate in an International Academic Service Learning course for two weeks. They provided nursing care and teaching to a variety of people through St. Mary's Mission hospital. They also left behind something special for the children.

  • New Dean Named for UM-Flint School of Health Professions and Studies

    A professor at Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Florida has been recommended by an 11 member search committee as the new dean of the University of Michigan-Flint School of Health Professions and Studies. Provost Jack Kay announced the selection of Barbara L. Kornblau, a professor of occupational therapy and public health in the College of Allied Health and Nursing, and College of Osteopathic Medicine. The U-M Board of Regents will be asked to approve Dr. Kornblau at the June meeting.

  • University of Michigan- Flint Named Venture Grant Awardee

    The University of Michigan-Flint has been awarded a Venture Grant for the International Service-Learning for Nursing Students in Kenya program.

    In partnership with St. Mary's Mission Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, UM-Flint nursing students will provide nursing care, health promotion and health education activities in hospital and orphanages in both urban and rural settings.

  • Sending Pennies to Cambodia

    Penny Wars have nothing to do with throwing pennies. In fact, they have everything to do with collecting them, and UM-Flint student nurses do that very well. The Penny Wars were started a few years ago as a fund raising activity for various nursing programs and projects.

  • Interim Dean Selected for SHPS

    Dr. Betty Velthouse has been named the interim dean for the School of Health Professions and Studies (SHPS). Velthouse joined the University of Michigan-Flint in 1990 as an assistant professor and was promoted to associate professor, with tenure, in 1996. She also served as area coordinator and director of academic programs for the School of Management and most recently completed an appointment as the senior advisor to the chancellor.

  • Grant to Promote a More Diverse Health Workforce

    The University of Michigan-Flint will receive a federal grant of $354,050 to encourage more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter and complete health professions training programs. The announcement of the grant was made by Congressman Dale E. Kildee (D-MI).

  • UM-Flint Students Heading to Kenya

    Students in the University of Michigan-Flint nursing program have another opportunity to experience firsthand, health and medical programs in other parts of the world. Nairobi, Kenya is being added to the list of nursing destinations that already includes the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Cambodia. The first student/faculty exchange to St. Mary's Mission Hospital Medical College, School of Nursing in Nairobi is set for February 2009.