Brevity is The Soul of Wit (Shakespeare Theatre Photo Gallery)

The University of Michigan-Flint is mounting a theatre production that will surely please all audience members, whether they are lifelong Shakespeare fans or have avoided the English playwright since high school graduation. "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" plays at the UM-Flint Theatre Feb. 2-4 and Feb. 9-11. As the title suggests, "The Complete Works" introduces audiences to each of Shakespeare's 37 plays during its 90-minute runtime. Contrasting with the play's ambitious scope is its limited cast, consisting of only three UM-Flint students. Tickets for "The Complete Works" are available now through the Flint Institute of Music website and will also be available at the door.
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Logan McGrady
Logan McGrady is the marketing & digital communication manager for the Office of Marketing and Communication.