UM-Flint Faculty and Staff Join MHealthy Rewards Challenge

There's not a lot of cheering or yelling yet, but there is a major competition underway on the University of Michigan-Flint campus that could mean dollars in your pocket and a free lunch. Add in improved health and the chance of being entertained by your dean or executive officer and that's something to cheer about!
It's called the UM-Flint MHealthy Rewards Challenge and there's still time to participate. All you have to do is be a qualifying benefits-eligible faculty or staff member who completes the MHealthy Rewards Health Questionnaire by March 15, 2013 and you'll earn $50. You'll also get a personalized health report that gives you important information on your current health, potential risk areas, and resources to help minimize or prevent future health problems.
Information provided within the MHealthy Rewards program is confidential. To protect your privacy, the University of Michigan has contracted with StayWell Health Management, a national provider of health improvement services, to administer the health questionnaire and health coaching.
The university units involved in the challenge are: Chancellor, Provost, College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education & Human Services, School of Health Professions & Studies, School of Management, Business and Finance, and Student Affairs. They are all in the competition with the goal of reaching a questionnaire completion rate of 75% or better.
Units that reach the 75% goal will be treated to a MHealthy luncheon on April 25 from 11:30-2 p.m. at that the Northbank Center Ballroom. The entertainment for the luncheon will be provided by the executive officers and deans of the units that reach the 75% goal.
After completing your health questionnaire, you can earn another $50 by completing an eligible healthy activity by July 12. Eligible activities include Weight Watchers, stress management programs, online programs, and more.
Take your health questionnaire by March 15 at
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