UM-Flint Police Cruisers Fill-in for Santa's Sleigh

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(Photo courtsey of M-Times by Arron Burch)

(Photo courtsey of M-Times by Aaron Burch)

The UM-Flint Criminal Justice Club is making the holidays a little brighter for dozens of Flint kids. After a fall event that collected toiletries for the YWCA, the club wanted to do something special for the Holiday Season.

"After much brainstorming within the club, we decided to do a toy drive, and slowly but surely we were able to roll the idea into the 'Cram-A-Cruiser for Kids' event," said Alicia Sonderegger, club vice president. "All in all, the event was more successful than we had hoped for, two cruisers ended up being 'crammed' full of toys."

The club selected Motherly Intercession as non-profit organization to benefit. Motherly Intercession is a non-profit organization that works to support and mentor children that currently have, or have had, a parent who is incarcerated. The organization works to not only provide for children, but mentor them, and foster a healthy, nurturing environment conducive to learning.

The Campus Activity Board (CAB) was one of the big donors to the event with a total of 72 toys.

"I am so proud of what we were able to accomplish, and so proud of the club in general," said Sonderegger.

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