UM-Flint's Willson Park Gets Lighting Update

Willson Park is a lot brighter in the evening thanks to the latest in energy-saving lighting. When you drive by the park in the early morning or evening hours, you can see almost all of the park property. The old incandescent big watt bulbs have been replaced by LED lights.
UM-Flint electrician Tim Jagielo said the recently completed project took out the four poles that held the old lights and replaced them with nine new poles, each holding two LED lighting units.
"The LED lighting gives us about five times more light than the old bulbs, and the light is more evenly spread across the entire park," said Jagielo.
Jagielo said the project was the idea of Tim Barden, assistant director of facilities. He wanted the additional lighting to make the park more usable.
The lights are the same that are being used to light the Kearsley Street extension through campus. Facilities has plans to use the lighting in other areas. Besides using less electricity, another big savings is expected in maintenance costs. The manufacturer has a warranty that provides that the lights will be maintenance free for 10 years.
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