UM-Flint Students Receive Regional Addy Awards

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Two University of Michigan-Flint students were recent recipients of Silver Addy Awards at the regional competition level. Both students are BFA Visual Communication majors in the graphic design concentration and created their work last winter.

Two University of Michigan-Flint students were recent recipients of Silver Addy Awards at regional competition.

James (JT) Thigpen is a junior. He received a gold local Addy earlier this year. He was selected for a personal "zine" created in Editorial Design last winter titled "Mopwater" describing some of his employment experiences and views.

Adam Alberts is a senior, He also received a gold local Addy for a "unique" fast food campaign created in Typography II last winter titled "honest fast food." He describes it on his website as a series of three posters showing what fast food joints' slogans would be if they were being honest.

Both students are BFA Visual Communication majors in the graphic design concentration and created work last winter.

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