UM-Flint Student Nurses Seek Donations for Dominican Republic Trip
UM-Flint student nurses are being told that the clinics and hospitals where they will be volunteering in the Dominican Republic are filled with Haitian earthquake victims. Because of the great need, the students will be looking for donations for orthopedic items.
University of Michigan-Flint student nurses are being told that the clinics and hospitals where they will be volunteering in the Dominican Republic are filled with Haitian earthquake victims. Because of the great need, the students will be looking for donations for orthopedic items.
For the past 15 years, the trip to the Dominican Republic has been part of the International Service Learning courses of the nursing program. Professor Maureen Tippen who heads the trips, says she is being briefed that San Pedro's Hospital, where the students will be working, have many Haitians with multiple orthopedic needs, mostly crushing injuries and amputations.
"We are being asked to bring any orthopedic supplies, such as casting materials, crutches, slings, and supplies for amputations," said Tippen. "Another request was to find an orthopedic surgeon who could go at this late date."
Besides the student nurses, the group will include four alumni who participated in past trips and Becky Pettengill (also an alumna) from Office of Development, who has been accompanying the groups as a translator.
Supplies needed include:
· Casting materials
· Air casts
· sutures
· Slings
· Crutches
Items can be taken to the Nursing Department Office, 2nd Floor, William S. White Building, or at Union Drugs in downtown Mt. Morris, and the Rite Aid Store in downtown Flushing (near Bueche's).
The group is leaving February 12. The items will be needed by February 7 to be properly packed.
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