UM-Flint Honor Society Prepares Care Packages
Psi Chi, a national honor society for psychology majors and minors at the University of Michigan-Flint, has been busy for the past several weeks collecting donations for personal care packages that will be distributed to needy persons in the Flint area. Members `of the society set up collection points at some area churches and stores to collect mainly toiletry items that were packaged into individual portions.
Psi Chi, a national honor society for psychology majors and minors at the University of Michigan-Flint, has been busy for the past several weeks collecting donations for personal care packages that will be distributed to needy persons in the Flint area. Members `of the society set up collection points at some area churches and stores to collect mainly toiletry items that were packaged into individual portions.
Psi Chi President Carl Bastien says this is the first time the organization has taken on this type of project, and that he is pleasantly surprised with the results.
" Enough soap, deodorants and personal care items have been collected to fill between 100 -150 packages," said Bastien. "The generosity of the people in the Flint area is wonderful."
The honor society has about 40 active members. Bastien said each was involved in some way to make the drive successful. He said the drive also gave him the opportunity to use his leadership and organizational skills.
The society met in mid-January to package the items. They are being distributed through
1-Stop, a recently formed organization that helps people with a variety of needs.
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