UM-Flint named a "Best in the Midwest College"

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The University of Michigan-Flint is one of the best colleges and universities in the Midwest according to The Princeton Review.
"We select the schools we recommend as our 'regional best' colleges primarily for their excellent academic programs,” says Robert Franek, Princeton Review's V.P., publishing.

The University of Michigan-Flint is one of the best colleges and
universities in the Midwest according to The Princeton Review.

"We select the schools we recommend as our 'regional best' colleges
primarily for their excellent academic programs," says Robert Franek,
Princeton Review's V.P., publishing. "We choose the University of
Michigan-Flint based on institutional data we collect from several
hundred schools in each region, our visits to schools over the years,
and the opinions of independent and high school-based college advisors
whose recommendations we invite. We also take into account what each student reports to us about their campus experiences in our 80-question student survey."

The Princeton Review survey for this project asks students to rate their own schools on several issues —
from the accessibility of their professors to quality of the campus food — and answer questions about
themselves, their fellow students, and their campus life. UM-Flint students asked about academics say,
"Students come to the University of Michigan at Flint to experience the "benefits of a major university"
as well as the "world-class reputation" that comes with the UM name." Students also tout the Honors
Scholar Program, which allows participants "to do off-campus research almost anywhere, fully paid,
and then publish a thesis. Plus, the honors program is really supportive of its students. You get help
applying for grad school, and advice about financial aid and registering for classes. Plus, the professors
work closely with students on research and writing."

"We are pleased to be recognized as one of the "Best in the Midwest," said UM-Flint Chancellor
Ruth J. Person. "But what makes us proud, is that our students have so much input into the selection."

In all, 640 colleges were named "regional best(s)," and that represents only about 25% (one out of four)
of the nation's 2,500 four-year colleges.

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