GCCMH Board Room Dedicated in Honor of Late UM-Flint Professor
Charles “Chuck” Bailey, a popular associate professor at the University of Michigan-Flint for more than 30 years, is being remembered in a special way by an organization he was associated with for almost 25 years.
Charles "Chuck" Bailey, a popular associate
professor of social work at the University of
Michigan-Flint for more than 30 years, is being
remembered in a special way by an organization
he was associated with for almost 25 years.
Recently, the Genesee County Community
Mental Health (GCCMH) Board approved
the dedication of the Board Room in
honor of Chuck Bailey. He served in various capacities on the Board for 24 years,
including chair in 1990.
In its proclamation, the board wrote, Chuck's knowledge of the systems, both
on an educational level as well as service delivery level, served to advance
the Board's knowledge of very complex systems. His time was best spent
educating anyone and everyone. His passion served the clients of CMH
well as the Board was always reminded that decisions made would affect
the most vulnerable citizens in this County. Chuck would say that he
could be make the tough decisions knowing that those whose lives
depended on CMH would continue to benefit from local services being
delivered by compassionate staff.
Bailey's wife and family cut the ribbon, officially opening the newly
dedicated room.
Danis Russell, CEO of GCCMH said of Bailey's service, "Chuck Bailey was
such an integral part of the history of CMH that the Board wanted the Board
Room, their room, to be named in his honor. Chuck served the agency, the
community and most importantly, the consumers of CMH for 23 years. This is
a very fitting tribute. "
Chuck Bailey passed away in November of 2008.
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