Maize-The UM-Flint Falcon
A Peregrine Falcon chick has been moved to a University of Michigan-Flint building. According to the Michigan DNR, this is the first time they have a moved a chick from a building where it was born.
A Peregrine Falcon chick has been moved to a University of Michigan-Flint building. According to the Michigan DNR, this is the first time they have moved a chick from a building where it was born. The chick was taken from the ledge of the old Durant Hotel to the top of the Northbank Center Building where the DNR placed a band on its leg and determined it was a female. The young falcon has the official name of Maize. The honor of naming the bird is given to the person or group that has been the most watchful during its first several weeks. That honor went to ITS's Lynne Ihrig, who was the first to report the nesting to the DNR. For the past four weeks she has kept a close eye on the young bird. The DNR felt the move was necessary because of all the construction activity on the roof of the Durant.
The mother, a 7 year old falcon from Canada named Majesty, found the young bird in its new location a few hours after the move. The Canadian Peregrine Foundation banded and named her in 2002
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