What Students Are Saying About Their UM-Flint Experience in 2008
An overwhelming number of students at the University of Michigan-Flint say they are satisfied with their overall educational experience. A national survey found that 85% of First Year students reported a favorable image of the university and 83% of seniors who responded would choose UM-Flint again if they could start their college career over.
An overwhelming number of students at the University of Michigan-Flint say they are satisfied with their overall educational experience. A national survey found that 85% of First Year students reported a favorable image of the university and 83% of seniors who responded would choose UM-Flint again if they could start their college career over.
Last spring, 668 UM-Flint students participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). In the survey, the students were asked to reflect on the time they devote to various learning activities. Besides providing prospective students with insights into how they might learn and develop at a given college, the survey provides university officials with information to help set future goals.
"The National Survey of Student Engagement gives us a good idea of how students view the quality of the education they are receiving. It challenges us to both improve where they see weakness and maintain areas that perceived as our strengths," said UM-Flint Provost Jack Kay.
Some of the other survey findings cover Academic Challenge, Active Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction, Enriching Educational Experience and Supportive Campus Environment:
A. 81% of first year students feel that UM-Flint places substantial emphasis on academics.
B. 78% of first year students feel that this university has a substantial commitment to their academic success.
C. First year students report substantial emphasis on the following activities:
a. Analyzing basic elements of an idea or theory: 79%
b. Making judgments about value of information: 67%
c. Applying theories or concepts: 74%
D. 59% of first year students say they frequently have serious conversations with students who are different than themselves in terms of their religion, political, or personal beliefs.
E. 55% of first year students frequently have serious conversations with those of a different race.
F. 57% of first year students say the work harder than they thought they could to meet faculty expectations.
G. 56% of first year students say they frequently work with other students on projects in class.
Among seniors, the survey found:
A. 78% positively rated their relationship with faculty
B. 83% of seniors at least occasionally discuss career plans with faculty.
C. 97% asked questions/contributed to class discussions.
D. 63% positively rated their relationships with administrative personnel and offices.
E. By their senior year, 42% of students have participated in some form internship, field experience, co-op, or clinical assignment.
F. By the time they are seniors, 47% of students have participated in community service or volunteer work.
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