UM-Flint Students Heading to Kenya
Students in the University of Michigan-Flint nursing program have another opportunity to experience firsthand, health and medical programs in other parts of the world. Nairobi, Kenya is being added to the list of nursing destinations that already includes the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Cambodia. The first student/faculty exchange to St. Mary’s Mission Hospital Medical College, School of Nursing in Nairobi is set for February 2009.
Students in the University of Michigan-Flint nursing program have another opportunity to experience firsthand, health and medical programs in other parts of the world. Nairobi, Kenya is being added to the list of nursing destinations that already includes the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Cambodia. The first student/faculty exchange to St. Mary's Mission Hospital Medical College, School of Nursing in Nairobi is set for February 2009.
The health and medical needs of the people of Nairobi are being detailed by Francis Muthiri, director of nursing education at the Medical College, who is currently visiting UM-Flint. Muthiri is a guest of the School of Health Professions and Studies (SHPS).
Saint Mary's is a 320-bed acute care hospital that provides surgical, adult and pediatric inpatient, obstetric, and special care nursery services. Each day approximately 2,000 people receive ambulatory care services. St. Mary's also operates a hospital in the Rift Valley and a high school for orphans.
Muthiri is visiting the Department of Nursing for the purpose of finalizing the details of the student/faculty exchange program. While in Michigan, he will be visiting area hospitals, giving lectures, and meeting informally with members of the campus and Greater Flint communities.
The process of establishing the program began after two nursing faculty members visited Kenya last year. Plans are being made for a similar program in India.
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